Heinrich Horsch (exc.)

Heinrich Horsch, born 1908, was a relative to Franziska Horsch. He was executed together with 5 more defendants in the Cologne Klingelpuetz prison on 30 November 1933. All these young men between 20 and 28 were accused of killing the SA members Winand Winterberg and Walter Spangenberg. The real reason for this political trial was surely the fact, that the executed belonged to the communist party (KPD) or its youth section.

Heinrich Horsch top right in the nazi paper “Westdeutscher Beobachter”



Only the nazi newspaper “Westdeutscher Beobachter” reported about the events. In 1971 the “Koelnische Rundschau” wrote about the execution of Heinrich Horsch and his co-defendants in the Klingelpuetz prison. (last picture).

Klingelpuetz  prison (1969 torn down)

The corpse of Heinrich Horsch was delivered to the anatomical institute of Bonn university. A letter of Heinrich Horsch was kept safe in the cupboard of Franziska Horsch’s family. In this letter Heinrich Horsch insisted on his innocence. Even after the war reading this letter was considered somehow ’illegal’ and rebellious. Unfortunately this letter is lost.  

Source: rheinische-geschichte.lvr.de

David Luschnat used this material literally .